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Track Your Catches

Connect with the fish that you catch, using Fish-Trak.

Fish Tales

Blogging on tagging and other subjects.

Sold by Fish-Trak

Fish tags and tagging kits - coming soon!

Fish-Trak Mobile

Connect with the fish you catch, using Fish-Trak.

Our mobile app enables recreational anglers to easily report their catches and track the tags via a simple user
interface. No more mailing forms to government agencies, everything you need is in the palm of your hand.


Easily report your catches and track your tags using our simple user interface.

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Fish-Trak keeps a ledger of your catches, data on the fish and their associated tags.

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Receive 're-catch' notifications when other anglers catch a fish with one of your tags.

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Out at sea? Don't worry Fish-Trak will sync your catches when you get back to land.

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Fish-Trak Walkthrough

How does the mobile app work?

Click the wire frame link to see them in Invision.

Fish-Trak Wireframes
Create or Update

Create or Update

When you catch a fish, create an entry with a new
tag or update the catch details of an existing tag.

Catch Ledger

Browse historical entries for fish-tags using the 'catch ledger'. Filter by all catches or just yours.


Receive an alert when a fellow angler
catches a fish with your tag on.

Fish-Trak Metrics


New Users






Fish Tags

Fish-Trak Features

Track your catches in the palm of your hand.

Connect with the fish you catch. Easy and convenient way to write your fish tale.

Catch a tagged fish

Look up a tag from any source.

Tag a caught fish

Register a tag from any source.

Re-Catch notification

Provides catch information when a tagged fish is re-caught.

Catch Ledgers

Stores details for all your catches.

Offline Syncing

Saves tagged fish data until your device is is in range.

User Privacy

You decide what catch data can be shared.


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Fish-Trak Store

Equipment for recreational fishers.

From fish tags to fishing rods, we have all the gear you'll need to make fishing easy and fun for the whole family.

High quality fishing rods and nets to improve your angling game. Free bait is included with every rod purchase.

Use our FishTrak branded tags, with unique identifiers that make it easier than ever to track your catches anywhere.

Comfortable clothing, protective equipment, practical shoes and more to improve your fishing experience.


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